
The Power of Compound

You’ve all heard it before. Compound interest. It’s how money is made. However, if you grew up like most of America, you’ve probably heard of compound interest, but don’t really understand what it means. So, here’s a quick introduction.

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Mental Health

Take My Advice

Everybody has opinions. Not every opinion is advice. Not every advice is good advice. Why would you take relationship advice from someone who’s been divorced three times? Or financial advice from someone who owes money to loan sharks? In this day and age of social media and clout-chasing, advice comes in all forms and shapes. It can be difficult to find good, honest advice from a reputable source.

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3 Steps to Avoiding Scams

Life can be tough—really tough. With endless responsibilities clamoring for our attention, it’s no wonder we’re constantly on the go. But just when you think you’ve caught a breather, bam! You’re hit with a scam. It’s like there’s no escape, even during your downtime. But fear not, dodging scams is simpler than you think. Here are some straightforward steps to keep you in the clear.

  1. Ignore the Unknown: If you don’t recognize the sender or caller, just ignore them. This is especially crucial with the rise of the notorious Pig Butchering scam, often disguised as innocent misdials. Unsure if it’s your bank or the IRS? Politely tell them you’ll call back, then hang up and verify their identity using a trusted number.
  2. Check the Email Address: Email scams have become increasingly sophisticated, but spotting them can be easy. Start by checking the email address. If it’s claiming to be from PayPal but the domain isn’t, it’s a red flag. Scammers often use lookalike domains or generic email providers. When in doubt, do a quick domain search or reach out directly to the supposed sender for confirmation. Whatever you do, do not interact with the email unless you are 100% certain it’s legit.
  3. Don’t Click That Link!: Ad blockers can be your best friend here, but even they aren’t foolproof. If a link looks suspicious, don’t click it. Legitimate sites clearly distinguish ads from content. If it’s unclear, err on the side of caution and avoid clicking altogether. Your security is worth more than any enticing link.

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Make YouTube Better

Tired of being bombarded by YouTube ads? Fed up with the hassle of logging in just to access basic features like stopping autoplay or hiding video tiles? Is the volume constantly too low, and you’re over YouTube Red’s limitations? You’re not alone. Despite its perks, YouTube comes with a laundry list of complaints, including incessant tracking and advertising.

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Why I Learned to Live Healthy

One of my core memories is being in my late twenties, and seeing all these people in their early 40’s coming into the clinic with a laundry list of medical issues – diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight, back pain, etc. Each and every one of them began their day taking over half a dozen pills, just so they can function. It was disheartening, and eye-opening at the same time.

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